Prof. Drs. Dean Komel and Manca Erzetič (CeNic Research Fellows) organized the conference series Smiselna dezorientacija in nihilistični precep danes [Meaningful Disorientation and the Nihilistic Preconception Today], which took place in Ljubljana (Slovenia) on 24th-25th September 2024. This event is part of the activities of Inštitut Nove revije, zavod za humanistiko (INR) –a CeNic partner institution– and was dedicated to analyzing the loss of meaningful orientation as a nihilistic experience in contemporary world. Among the 23 speakers who discussed this problem from disciplines such as philosophy, ethics, history, communication, politics, among others, were professors Dean Komel and Manca Erzetič, who gave the lectures Nihilizacija v smiselni dezorientaciji [Nihilization in the Disorientation of Meaning] and Urbančičevo soočenje s smiselno dezorientacijo in nihilističnim razpoloženjem slovenstva [Urbančič’s Confrontation with the Disorientation of Meaning and the Nihilistic State of Slovenian Society], respectively.