The First International Conference of the International Center of Studies on Contemporary Nihilism was held in November 2019 in Pisa (Italy). The lectures there presented are the basis of the articles published in TEORIA, Rivista di filosofía fondata da Vittorio Sainati 40/2020/1 (Terza serie XV/1). Many researchers of the CeNic published together with professors of the Università di Pisa in this issue:
– Nihilism and Indifference (Adriano Fabris)
– Nietzsche: French sources of nihilism (Giuliano Campioni)
– Die Geschichtlichkeit Europas und die Schatten des Nihilismus (Dean Komel)
– Living the trivial and immediacy in the digital territory (Mariano Ernesto Ure)
– (Post)modernidad y nihilismo en tiempos tecnológicos (Rogério José Schuck)
– Foundation or Abyss (Abgrund)? Heidegger’s Interpretation of Nihilism in Nietzsche’s Philosophy (Alfredo Rocha de la Torre)
– Jacobi contra Fichte. La primera acusación de nihilismo (Jacinto Rivera de Rosales)
– La refutación del Nihilismo en Tiempo y Ser: Heidegger repensando a Parménides (Teresa Oñate)
– La personalidad impersonal como camino de superación del nihilismo en Nishitani Keiji (Rebeca Maldonado)
– Potentially, Relationality and the Problem of Actualisation (Andrew Benjamin)
– The Buddhist understanding of nihilism by Keiji Nishitani in front of the scientific explanation of the religion (Seung Chul Kim)
– Think Rationally but Feel Spiritually A Nihilistic Dualism in Modern Japan (Tsunafumi Takeuchi)
– Lived Experiences of Non-Sense: the Shadow of Qohelet on Contemporary Nihilism (Stefano Bancalari)
– The nomadic representation: forms of the human and indifference to value (Giovanni Scarafile)
– Technology, Art, and Second Order Nihilism in Heidegger (Alberto L. Siani)
– The Double Negation of Sense: Levinas against nihilism (Silvia Dadà)
– The End of Myth and the Coming of Nihilism (Michele Borrelli)
On the Teoria’s website you can find the Table of Contents, as well as access the article directly: http://www.rivistateoria.eu/