New Publication: Prof. Dr. Costantino Esposito


Prof. Dr. Costantino Esposito, research fellow at International Center of Studies on Contemporary Nihilism, has published O Nihilismo de nosso tempo: Uma crônica (Edições Loyola, 2023). This book was originally published in Italian (Carocci, 2021) and has been translated into Spanish (Ediciones Encuentro, 2021), Russian (Современный нигилизмХроника; Ripol Classic Éditions, Moscou 2022) and Portuguese for the present edition. In this work the author presents nihilism as an open question, that is, as a phenomenon that brings up different problematics that demand the urgency of thinking about a meaning for the different experiences of life. Nihilism is not conceived as an obstacle that leads to the loss of values and ideals, but as an opportunity for the search for meaning. In this way, the author, using philosophical, literary, cultural, aesthetic, cinematographic references and the analysis of social phenomena, analyses the ways in which the phenomenon of nihilism manifests itself in the contemporary world and allows us to rethink the meaning of man and the world.

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