Professor Dr. Helmut Heit, director of the Kolleg Friedrich Nietzsche (Weimar, Germany), and member of the International Center of Studies on Contemporary Nihilism (CeNic), is a special guest to the 11th National Congress of Philosophy Students, that will be carried out by the Philosophy School of the Universidad Pedagógica y Tecnológica de Colombia (Tunja) from September 16 to September 19. With the support of the CeNic and the Alexander von Humboldt-Stiftung, professor Dr. Heit will give a lecture and will take part in the discussion CeNic-Dialogues with members of the Center and some guests. The main topic discussed of this conversation, which has the support of Hercritia – Cátedra Internacional de Hermenéutica Crítica, will be the actuality of German philosophy.