Bachelor’s, Master’s degree in Jurisprudence from Vilnius university, Lithuania (1977); Ph.Dra. in Philosophy from Vilnius university, Lithuania (1988 with the thesis from Philosophy of Law), Habilitation in Philosophy (2005 with the thesis “Theoretical Configurations of the Problem of Nihilism in Western Philosophy”). In 1993 she obtained a Fellowship from Council of Europe for traineeship at Rome university of “Sapienza” and participated in the courses of prof. Marco Maria Olivetti. In 1996 she obtained Italian government scholarship for traineeship at the same institution and participated in the courses of M.M. Olivetti as well. In 2004 she obtained Fellowship from the Institute of Religious Studies of Trento (ITTC) (Italy) for a research work at the Institute on the project “Nichilismo dopo Nietzsche”.
Among her most recent publications are:
- Tikrovės spektrai. Vakarų nihilizmas tarp diagnozės ir teorijos. Mokslinė monografija. Vilnius: VU leidykla, 2019, 400 p. ISBN 978-609-07-0342-7
- „Ontologija ir nihilizmas. Hegelio scena ir užkulisiai“. In Tomas Sodeika, Rita Šerpytytė, Danutė Bacevičiūtė. Ontologijos transformacijos. Medijos. Nihilizmas. Etika. ISBN 978-609-459-609-4. Vilnius: VU leidykla, 2015, p. 107-211.
- Religija tarp sekuliarizacijos ir nihilizmo”. In Šerpytytė R. (ed.) Sekuliarizacija ir dabarties kultūra. ISBN 978-609-459-245-4; UDK 316 Se51. Vilnius: VU leidykla, 2013, p. 25-117.
- Nihilizmas ir Vakarų filosofija. Mokslinė monografija. ISBN 978-9955-33-035-6. Vilnius: VU leidykla, 2007. (479 p.).
- “Interpretación como desrealización en el pensamiento débil”. In: Teresa Onate y Zubia, Alejandra Toro Murillo (ed.) La fuerza del pensamiento débil. ISBN 978-84-1070-144-1; DOI: 10.14679/3091. Madrid: Editorial DYKINSON, S.L., 2024, p.139-151.
- “On the Question of the Face of Reality: Addressing the “Myths” of the New Realism and Postmodernity”. In: Silvia Benso and Antonio Calcagno (ed.) Open Borders. Encounters between Italian Philosophy and Continental Thought. ISBN 9781438482194. New York: SUNY Press, 2021, p. 341-352. https://www.sunypress.edu/p-7027-open-borders.aspx
- The Problem of Reality and Modal Ontology, Open Philosophy, 2020, 3: 517–526.https://doi.org/10.1515/opphil-2020-0121
- Sulla ‘natura’ della legge: nomos come ornamentum, Filosofia. Immagini della natura, Vol. 64, Mimesis edizioni, 2019, p. 27–39. ISSN 0015-1823, ISBN 9788857564500. DOI: https://doi.org/10.13135/2704-8195/64 http://www.ojs.unito.it/index.php/filosofia/article/view/4057/3623
- Sulla plasticità della realtà. Da Malabou ad Agamben, LESSICO DI ETICA PUBBLICA – “La filosofia di Giorgio Agamben: metafisica, politica, etica e diritto”, Anno X, Numero 1/2019 – ISSN 2039-2206 – a cura di E.C. Sferrazza Papa, p. 29–39. <http://www.eticapubblica.it/wp-content/uploads/2019/08/02.Serpytyte-LEP.pdf>
- Realtà e Negatività: Pareyson tra Heidegger e Gadamer. In: Annuario filosofico, 2017, 33, p. 52-67. ISBN 978-88-425-588. Milano: Mursia, 2018.
- Templum in a Globalized World: Between Secularization and Nihilism, Revista de Antropología y Filosofía de lo Sagrado (Review of Anthropology and Philosophy of the Sacrum), 2017, 2: 63–72. ISSN: 2530-1233.
- „Essere nichilista. Con Heidegger tra Nietzsche e Cristianesimo“. In Rivista ermeneutica e critica filosofica: Trópos. Effetti d‘interpretazione. Su Gianni Vattimo. by Gaetano Chiurazzi. Anno IX. Numero 1, 2016, p. 79-92. ISBN 978-88-548-9486-0; ISSN 2036-542X-16001.
- „Nihilism and Ontology of the Accident“. In Images of Europe: Past, Present, Future. ISSEI 2014 – Conference Proceedings Porto, Portugal. Ed. by Yolanda Espiña. Porto: Universidade Católica Editora, 2016. ISBN: 978-989-8366-82-5 eBook (PDF), p. 1188-1197.
- „Hermenéutica y Nihilismo: Vattimo versus Ferraris“. In Teresa Oñate, José Luis Díaz Arroyo, Paloma O. Zubía, Marco Antonio Hernández Nieto, L. David Cáceres (ed.) Con Paul Ricœr. Espacios de Interpelación: Tiempo. Dolor. Justicia. Relatos. ISBN 978-84-9148-004-4. Madrid: Editorial DYKINSON, S.L., 2016, p. 541-550.
- „Levinas and the Negativity of Thought: from Hegel to Malabou“. In Šerpytytė R. (ed.) Emmanuel Levinas: A Radical Thinker in the Time of Crisis. ISBN 978-609-459-671-I; UDK 1(44) (092) Le379. Vilnius: VU leidykla, 2015, p. 45-57.
- „Nihilism and the Problem of Sense: E. Levinas“. In R. Burggraeve, J. Hansel, M.-A. Lescourret, J.-F. Rey, J.-M. Salanskis (ed), Levinas Autrement (Bibliotèque Philosophique de Louvain, N. 83), ISBN: 978-90-429-2245-7, 464 p. Louvain-Paris: Éditions Peeters, 2012, IV, p. 371-382.
- „Vai Kirkegors bija nihilists?“ In: Zembahs R., Kūle M., Šerpytytė R., Rubene M., Bičevskis R. ir kt. Eksistence un komunikācija. Sērena Kirkegora filosofija. Riga: FSI, 2006, (336 psl.), p. 103-113. ISBN 9984-624-39-0 UDK 1Ž2 (082).
- “Nihilism and weak thought” In Contemporary Philosophical Discourse in Lithuania. Lithuanian Philosophical Studies, IV, Ed. Jurate Baranova. Cultural Heritage and Contemporary Change, Series IVA, Central and Easten Europe, vol. 26, Washington D.C.: The Council for Research in Values and Philosophy, 2005, pp. 107-120.
She is a specialist in Heidegger’s philosophy, Hegel’s philosophy, Postmodern philosophy, Contemporary Italian philosophy (Gianni Vattimo, Giorgio Agamben and others); Speculative and New Realisms; the problem of Nihilism and Negativity in Western Philosophy. She was Visiting Professor of Turin’s university (Italy) (2020). She was a lecturer at universities of Italy, Spain, Portugal, Belgium, Austria, USA and invited lecturer of international conferences at different universities of Italy, Spain, France, Germany. Rita Serpytyte was awarded the Lithuanian Science Prize of 2022 in the field of the humanities for the cycle of studies “Western Nihilism between Diagnosis and Theory (2007–2021)”.