Laurea in Philosophy at the Università di Pisa with a thesis directed by Vittorio Sainati. He has completed his studies to perfect the philosophy at the Università di Genoa under the direction of Alberto Caracciolo. In 1982 he obtained a scholarship from the Deutscher Akademischer Austauschdienst (DAAD) to study at the Universität Mannheim (Germany) and to participate in the courses of Hans-Georg Gadamer at the Ruprecht-Karls-Universität Heidelberg. His research has been focused on phenomenology and hermeneutics (especially in the philosophy of Martin Heidegger), he has translated some volumes of the work of this philosopher and has written several books about him, as well as on the philosophy of religion he has undertaken research in the fundamentals of discipline, especially from contemporany works with Hebrew and Christian influences, and on the ethics of communication (he has specifically addressed the use of the new communication technologies).
Among his most recent publications are:
- RelAzione. Una filosofia performativa (Brescia, Morcelliana, 2016)
- “Philosophy, Images and the Mirror of Machines” (In: Paić, Žarko&Purgar, Krešimir. Theorizing Images, Newcastle, Cambridge Scholars Publishing, 2016, pp. 111-120)
- “Dio con l’essere. Di nuovo Martin Heidegger” (In: Giornale di metafisica, vol. 1, 2016)
- “Il denaro come forma simbolica” (In: Merlini, Fabrio& Bernardini, Riccardo. Eranos Jahrbuch/Eranos Yearbook, vol. 72, 2013/2014, Einsiedeln, Daimon Verlag, 2016, pp. 83-97)
- Etika Komunicacije. Dobra komunicacija je naša človeška odgovornost (Fabris, Adriano; Komel, Dean y Verč, Jurij, Ljubljana, Družina, 2016)
- “Experiencia religiosa e identidad nacional: Una perspectiva filosófica” (In: Límite. Revista interdisciplinaria de filosofía y psicología, vol. 10, N°. 34, 2015, pp. 35-43)
- “Ethical issues in Internet communication” (In: Cantoni, Lorenzo y Dobrowski, Holger. Communication and Technology. Handbook of Communication Science, Berlin/Boston, Walter de Gruyter, 2015, pp. 365-384)
- Il pensiero ebraico nel Novecento (editor. Roma, Carocci, 2015)
- “Questioning the Body Today” (In: Phainomena. Journal of Phenomenology and Hermeneutics, vol. XXIV, N°. 92-93, 2015, pp. 135-44)
- Twitter e la filosofia (Edizioni ETS, Pisa, 2015)
- “Identität und Kommunikation” (In: Jovanov, Rastko; Radincović, Željko y Zaborowski, Holger. Phänomenologische Ontologie des Sozialen, Belgrade, Univerzitet u Beogradu, 2015, pp. 224-235)
- “Il monoteismo come problema filosofico” (In: «Archivio di filosofia», vol. LXXXII, N°. 1-2, 2014, pp. 177-186)
- “Heidegger: ambigvitet odluke izmedu filozofjie i politike” (In: Europski Glasnik, vol. 19, 2014, pp. 325-38)
He leads the Ph.D. programme in Philosophy at Università di Pisa and Firenze, as well as the “Centro Interdisciplinare di ricerche e di servizi sulla Comunicazione” of the Università di Pisa. He is the Director of “Teoria. Rivista di Filosofia”, and the founder and director of the institute “Religioni e Teologia” (Re.Te.) of the Theological Faculty of Lugano (Switzerland) in which he conducts research into interreligious dialogue. He leads the research project “L’aporia del nulla e il nichilismo contemporaneo”, linked to the university course of moral philosophy that he started this year. He is professor of moral philosophy at the Università di Pisa and cofunder and codirector of the International Center of studies on Contemporary Nihilism” (CeNic).