2 nd Congress of the International Center of Studies on Contemporary Nihilism (CeNic)


“Human Existence and Coexistence in the Epoch of Nihilism”.

The second congress of the International Centre of Studies on Contemporary Nihilism (CeNic), “Human Existence and Coexistence in the Epoch of Nihilism”, will be held from 28th to 30th November in Ljubljana (Slovenia). This event will reflect on the relationship between humanism and nihilism, framed by the problems of the contemporary world (scientific and technical progress, global social conditions or the violence of global dehumanization). Considering that the experience of nihilism predetermines different social crises, it is clear that the question of how man fulfils himself in his humanity has become problematic. All this leads to new questions about the value foundations on which human existence is based, communication, the relationship to common life, or an ethics that allows a new humanization. It becomes necessary, then, to confront the nihilistic challenge that pervades the contemporary world.

The speakers at this second congress are:
– Adriano Fabris: Transformations of the Idea of Humanity in the Age of Technological
– Alfredo Rocha de la Torre: Sprache und Nihilismus
– Dean Komel: Nihilismus und die unzeitgemäße Situation der Philosophie
– Damir Barbarić: Der Wille zum Nichts
– Dragan D. Prole: Nihilismus der Nivellierung
– Werner Stegmaier: Orientierung als Antwort auf den Nihilismus
– Žarko Paić: The Technosphere and Nihilism – Autopoiesis as the End of Metaphysics
– Veronica Neri: Image, AI and Informational Nihilism
– Susanna Lindberg: Wounded Thinking of the Wounded World
– Josef Estermann: Progress as Barbarism. Epistemic Violence and Philosophicide of the
West against Indigenous Cosmo-Spiritualities
– Chung-Chi YU: The Encountering of Cultural Difference
– Petar Bojanić: Moment of the Negative
– Ion Copoeru: Meaning, Autonomy and Interaction

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