New Publication: third compendium CeNic


The journal Phainomena – Revija za fenomenologijo in hermenevtiko has published the third compendium of articles of the International Center of Studies on Contemporary Nihilism (CeNic) entitled Human Existence and Coexistence in the Epoch of Nihilism / Menschliche Existenz und Koexistenz in der Epoche des Nihilismus / Človeška eksistenca in koeksistenca v epohi nihilizma (Vol. 33, No. 130-131, 2024). The authors and their contributions to this volume are the following:

– Damir Barbarić (Sveučilište u Zagrebu, Croatia): Der Wille zum Nichts.
– Jon Stewart (Filozofický ÚstavSlovenskej Akadémie Vied, Slovakia): William James’s Assessment of Nihilism as a Psychological Phenomenon.
– Cathrin Nielsen (Bergische Universität Wuppertal, Germany): „Der Grundriß unseres Lebens ist in der Tat ein ‚Riß‘“. Ansätze zu einer Anthropologie der Negativität bei Eugen Fink.
– Ilia Inishev (Europos Humanitarinis Universitetas, Lithuania): Hermeneutics and Nihilism. Meaning, Agency, and the Dialectics of Negativity in Gadamer’s Thought.
– Petar Bojanić (Универзитет у Београду / Univerzitet u Beogradu, Serbia): Moments of the Negative. Two Small Nihilist Episodes from the 1940s.
– Holger Zaborowski (Universität Erfurt, Germany): Thinking God—Today?
– Dragan D. Prole (Универзитет у Новом Саду / Univerzitet u Novom Sadu, Serbia): Banalisierung und Nivellierung.
– Susanna Lindberg (Universiteit Leiden, Netherlands): Wounded Thinking of the Wounded World. Nihilism and Global Warming.
– Jeff Malpas (University of Tasmania, Australia): Nihilism, Homelessness, and Place.
– Azelarabe Lahkim Bennani (Université Sidi Mohamed Ben Abdellah, Morocco): Selbstverteidigung und Selbstbestimmung gegen moralischen Nihilismus im Kontext des Strafrechts.
– Josef Estermann (Universität Luzern, Switzerland): Progress as Barbarism. Epistemic Violence and Philosophicide of the West Against Indigenous Cosmo-Spiritualities.
– Chung-Chi Yu (國立中山大學 / National Sun Yat-sen University, China-Taiwan): A Phenomenological Explication of Cultural Difference. With Reference to the Cultural Situation in Taiwan.
– Alfredo Rocha de la Torre (Universidad Pedagógica y Tecnológica de Colombia): Sprache und Nihilismus. Eine Kritik an der Homogenisierung der Sprache.
– Jesús Adrián Escudero (Universidad Autónoma de Barcelona, Spain): Heidegger. Technik, Gestell und Nihilismus.
– Veronica Neri (Università di Pisa, Italy): Images, Artificial Intelligence, and Informational Nihilism.
– Žarko Paić (Sveučilište u Zagrebu, Croatia): The Technosphere and Nihilism. Autopoiesis as the End of Metaphysics.
– Werner Stegmaier (Universität Greifswald, Germany): Orientierung als Antwort auf den Nihilismus. Philosophische Neuorientierung mit Nietzsche.
– Adriano Fabris (Università di Pisa, Italy): Transformations of the Idea of Humanity in the Age of Technological Nihilism.
– Dean Komel (Univerza v Ljubljani, Slovenia): Die unzeitgemäße Situation der Philosophie in der Epoche des Nihilismus.

Link to the compendium:

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