Prof. Dr. Raúl Fornet-Betancourt, researcher fellow of the International Center of Studies on Contemporary Nihilism (CeNic), has recently published Modelos de teoría liberadora en la historia de la filosofía europea (2022) by Favila Publishing House (Bogotá, Colombia). This book is part of the ‘Intercultural Philosophy’ project that Prof. Dr. Fornet-Betancourt has been developing since the 1990s. It is a dialogical proposal between marginalized philosophical traditions and even, as he himself states: “often consciously and systematically oppressed”, which, approached from a liberating vision, show us all their potential and effective knowledge, against the oppression of the philosophical canon, which by marginalizing them maintains its colonial hegemony. The European philosophical tradition has created over time a canon that has been fragmenting in recent years. This work accounts for this fragmentation and opens up old, but fruitful, and sometimes little-traveled paths.