Prof. Dr. Adriano Fabris, co-director and research fellow of International Centre of Studies on Contemporary Nihilism (CeNic), has published Heidegger. Una guida (Carocci editore, 2023). The volume consists of ten chapters, written by some of the leading scholars of the German philosopher (Adriano Fabris, Stefano Bancalari, Francesco Camera, Costantino Esposito, Giusi Strummiello, Adriano Ardovino, Eugenio Mazzarella, Carmine Di Martino, Virgilio Cesarone, Aldo Magris), presenting in a clear and exhaustive way the main themes of Heideggerian philosophy: Phenomenology, hermeneutics, ontology, the “thought of Ereignis”, meditations on the work of art and poetry, as well as those on technology and questions of ecological impact, including the nexus with Christianity. An updated bibliography and an explanatory index by Annalisa Caputo of the fundamental concepts used by Heidegger in his research complete the volume.