Prof. Dr. Peter Trawny

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He presented his habilitation work at the Bergische Universität Wuppertal in 2000, where he previously received his PhD with a summa cum laude dissertation entitled “Grundstimmung. Martin Heideggers Phänomenologie der Welt”, initially directed by Prof. Dr. Klaus Held. He received a doctoral scholarship from the Studienstiftung des deutschen Volkes. He studied philosophy, musicology and art history at the Ruhr-Universität Bochum. He was a scholarship holder of the Ernst-Jünger-Stipendium of the state of Baden-Württemberg, awarded by the Deutschen Literaturarchiv Marbach am Neckar. He was also a postdoctoral fellow of the DFG-Graduiertenkolleg (Wuppertal-Bochum) ‘Phänomenologie und Hermeneutik’ with a two-month stay at Kyoto University (Japan) on a grant from the Japan Society for the Promotion of Science; he was also appointed associate professor of philosophy in department A at the Bergische Universität Wuppertal.

Algunas de sus publicaciones son:

  • Das Kapital der Musen: Eros und Aura im Widerschein der Kunst (Wuppertal, Karl Alber, 2025)
  • Aschenplätze – Eine Theorie dieses Subjekts (Berlin, Matthes & Seitz Berlin, 2024)
  • Frei: Zwei Gespräche (Frankfurt, Vittorio Klostermann, 2023)
  • Hitler, die Philosophie und der Hass (Berlin, Matthes & Seitz Berlin, 2021)
  • Der Verlust der Kette. Anmerkungen zur Apokalypse (In: Dritte Natur. Bd. II. Hrsg. von Steffen Richter und Andreas Rötzer. Matthes & Seitz: Berlin 2019)
  • Die Geisel des Kapitals — Zu Charles Peguys „Das Geld“. Nachwort von Charles Peguys ( In: Das Geld. Matthes & Seitz: Berlin 2017, pp, 117-129)
  • Heidegger and the Shoah (In: Reading Heidegger’s Black Notebooks 1931-1941. Hrsg. von Inge Farin und Jeff Malpas. The MIT Press: Cambridge, Massachusetts and London, England 2016, pp, 169-180)
  • Intimacy and „Abyss“ in Hölderlin’s „Death of Empedocles (In: Dis-orientations. Philosophy, Literature and the Lost Grounds of Modernity. Ed. by Marcia Sá Cavalcante Schuback. Rowman & Littlefield: London 2015, pp, 234-249)
  • Europa und die Revolution. Tumult (In: Zeitschrift für Verkehrswissenschaft. Hrsg von Franz Böckelmann und Walter Seitter. Frühjahr 2014, pp, 11-17)
  • Artikel »Martin Heidegger« (In: Ernst Jünger-Handbuch. Hrsg. von Matthias Schöning. J.B. Metzler Verlag: Stuttgart u. Weimar 2014, 368-371 Heidegger et les Cahiers noirs. In: Esprit. No. 407. August-September 2014, pp, 133-148)
  • Eschatologische Kulturkritik. Nebels Essay „Stefan George und die entgötterte Welt“ (In: Gerhard Nebel. „Ein gewaltiger Verhöhner des Zeitgeistes“. Hrsg. von François Poncet. Wilhem Fink Verlag: München 2013, pp, 81-92)
  • La revolución en el pensamiento político de Hannah Arendt (In: Reflexiones en filosofía contemporánea. Edición de Alfredo Rocha de la Torre. Grama Ediciones: Buenos Aires 2013, pp, 37-52)
  • Artikel »Martin Heidegger« (In: Die deutsche Philosophie im 20. Jahrhundert. Ein Autorenhandbuch. Hrsg. von Thomas Bedorf und Andreas Gelhard. WBG: Darmstadt 2013, pp, 137-145)
  • Über die ontologische Differenz in der Kunst. Ein Rekonstruktionsversuch der »Überwindung der Aesthetik« bei Martin Heidegger (In: Heidegger Studies. Volume 10. 1994, pp, 207-221)
  • Das Gedicht auf dem Weg in die Fremde. Eine Notiz zu der Elegie »Der Wanderer« bei Friedrich Matthisson. (In: Hölderlin Jahrbuch 1994-1995. Bd. 29, pp, 276-282)
  • Von der Liebe. Anmerkungen zu einer poetischen Phänomenologie bei Rainer Maria Rilke (In: Phänomenologische Forschungen. Neue Folge 1.-2. Halbband. 1996, pp, 221-238)
  • O Kraju Umetnosti v Mišljenju Martina Heideggra. (Zum Ort der Kunst im Denken Martin Heideggers.) (In: Phainomena 21-22. Krog Razumenvanja. Ljubljana 1996, pp, 59-79)
  • George dichtet Nietzsche. Überlegungen zur Nietzsche-Rezeption Stefan Georges und seines Kreises. (In: George-Jahrbuch. Bd. 3. 2000, pp, 34-68)
  • The Future of Time: Reflections on the conception of Time in Hegel and Heidegger. (In: Research in Phenomenology. Vol. XXX. Hrsg. von John Sallis. 2000, pp, 12-39)
  • Der kommende und der letzte Gott bei Hölderlin und Heidegger. »Voll Verdienst, doch dichterisch wohnet / Der Mensch auf dieser Erde.« Heidegger und Hölderlin (In: Martin-Heidegger Schriftenreihe. Bd. 6. Hrsg. von Peter Trawny. Frankfurt am Main 2000, pp, 199-220)
  • Die unscheinbare Differenz. Heideggers Grundlegung einer Ethik der Sprache (In: Phénoménologie française et phénoménologie allemande. Hrsg. von Eliane Escoubas et Bernhard Waldenfels. Paris 2000, pp, 65-102)
  • Die Tragödie der Philosophie. Platons Streit mit den Dichtern (In: Denkwege 2. Philosophische Aufsätze. Tübingen 2001, pp, 106-128.)


In 2012 he was involved in founding the first Martin Heidegger Institute at the Bergische Universität Wuppertal (Germany) and since 2015 he has been responsible for the planning of the philosophical programme of the prestigious Vittorio Klostermann Verlag. He has edited twelve volumes of the Gesamtausgabe, including Martin Heidegger’s famous ‘Black Notebooks’.

Prof. Ph.Dra. Rita Serpytyte


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Bachelor’s, Master’s degree in Jurisprudence from Vilnius university, Lithuania (1977); Ph.Dra. in Philosophy from Vilnius university, Lithuania (1988 with the thesis from Philosophy of Law), Habilitation in Philosophy (2005 with the thesis “Theoretical Configurations of the Problem of Nihilism in Western Philosophy”). In 1993 she obtained a Fellowship  from Council of Europe for traineeship at Rome university of “Sapienza” and participated in the courses of prof. Marco Maria Olivetti. In 1996 she obtained Italian government scholarship for traineeship at the same institution and participated in the courses of M.M. Olivetti as well. In 2004 she obtained Fellowship from the Institute of Religious Studies of Trento (ITTC) (Italy) for a research work at the Institute on the project “Nichilismo dopo Nietzsche”.

Among her most recent publications are:

  • Tikrovės spektrai. Vakarų nihilizmas tarp diagnozės ir teorijos. Mokslinė monografija. Vilnius: VU leidykla, 2019, 400 p. ISBN 978-609-07-0342-7
  • „Ontologija ir nihilizmas. Hegelio scena ir užkulisiai“. In Tomas Sodeika, Rita Šerpytytė, Danutė Bacevičiūtė. Ontologijos transformacijos. Medijos. Nihilizmas. Etika. ISBN 978-609-459-609-4. Vilnius: VU leidykla, 2015, p. 107-211.
  • Religija tarp sekuliarizacijos ir nihilizmo”. In Šerpytytė R. (ed.) Sekuliarizacija ir dabarties kultūra. ISBN 978-609-459-245-4; UDK 316 Se51. Vilnius: VU leidykla, 2013, p. 25-117.
  • Nihilizmas ir Vakarų filosofija. Mokslinė monografija. ISBN 978-9955-33-035-6. Vilnius: VU leidykla, 2007. (479 p.).
  • “Interpretación como desrealización en el pensamiento débil”. In: Teresa Onate y Zubia, Alejandra Toro Murillo (ed.) La fuerza del pensamiento débil. ISBN 978-84-1070-144-1; DOI: 10.14679/3091. Madrid: Editorial DYKINSON, S.L., 2024, p.139-151.
  • “On the Question of the Face of Reality: Addressing the “Myths” of the New Realism and Postmodernity”. In: Silvia Benso and Antonio Calcagno (ed.) Open Borders. Encounters between Italian Philosophy and Continental Thought. ISBN 9781438482194. New York: SUNY Press, 2021, p. 341-352.
  • The Problem of Reality and Modal Ontology, Open Philosophy, 2020, 3: 517–526.
  • Sulla ‘natura’ della legge: nomos come ornamentum, Filosofia. Immagini della natura, Vol. 64, Mimesis edizioni, 2019, p. 27–39. ISSN 0015-1823, ISBN 9788857564500. DOI:
  • Sulla plasticità della realtà. Da Malabou ad Agamben, LESSICO DI ETICA PUBBLICA – “La filosofia di Giorgio Agamben: metafisica, politica, etica e diritto”, Anno X, Numero 1/2019 – ISSN 2039-2206 – a cura di E.C. Sferrazza Papa, p. 29–39. <>
  • Realtà e Negatività: Pareyson tra Heidegger e Gadamer. In: Annuario filosofico, 2017, 33, p. 52-67. ISBN 978-88-425-588. Milano: Mursia, 2018.
  • Templum in a Globalized World: Between Secularization and Nihilism, Revista de Antropología y Filosofía de lo Sagrado (Review of Anthropology and Philosophy of the Sacrum), 2017, 2: 63–72. ISSN: 2530-1233.
  • „Essere nichilista. Con Heidegger tra Nietzsche e Cristianesimo“. In Rivista ermeneutica e critica filosofica: Trópos. Effetti d‘interpretazione. Su Gianni Vattimo. by Gaetano Chiurazzi. Anno IX. Numero 1, 2016, p. 79-92. ISBN 978-88-548-9486-0; ISSN 2036-542X-16001.
  • „Nihilism and Ontology of the Accident“. In Images of Europe: Past, Present, Future. ISSEI 2014 – Conference Proceedings Porto, Portugal. Ed. by Yolanda Espiña. Porto: Universidade Católica Editora, 2016. ISBN: 978-989-8366-82-5 eBook (PDF), p. 1188-1197.
  • „Hermenéutica y Nihilismo: Vattimo versus Ferraris“. In Teresa Oñate, José Luis Díaz Arroyo, Paloma O. Zubía, Marco Antonio Hernández Nieto, L. David Cáceres (ed.) Con Paul Ricœr. Espacios de Interpelación: Tiempo. Dolor. Justicia. Relatos. ISBN 978-84-9148-004-4. Madrid: Editorial DYKINSON, S.L., 2016, p. 541-550.
  • „Levinas and the Negativity of Thought: from Hegel to Malabou“. In Šerpytytė R. (ed.) Emmanuel Levinas: A Radical Thinker in the Time of Crisis. ISBN 978-609-459-671-I; UDK 1(44) (092) Le379. Vilnius: VU leidykla, 2015, p. 45-57.
  • „Nihilism and the Problem of Sense: E. Levinas“. In R. Burggraeve, J. Hansel, M.-A. Lescourret, J.-F. Rey, J.-M. Salanskis (ed), Levinas Autrement (Bibliotèque Philosophique de Louvain, N. 83), ISBN: 978-90-429-2245-7, 464 p. Louvain-Paris: Éditions Peeters, 2012, IV, p. 371-382.
  • „Vai Kirkegors bija nihilists?“ In: Zembahs R., Kūle M., Šerpytytė R., Rubene M., Bičevskis R. ir kt. Eksistence un komunikācija. Sērena Kirkegora filosofija. Riga: FSI, 2006, (336 psl.), p. 103-113. ISBN 9984-624-39-0 UDK 1Ž2 (082).
  • “Nihilism and weak thought” In Contemporary Philosophical Discourse in Lithuania. Lithuanian Philosophical Studies, IV, Ed. Jurate Baranova. Cultural Heritage and Contemporary Change, Series IVA, Central and Easten Europe, vol. 26, Washington D.C.: The Council for Research in Values and Philosophy, 2005, pp. 107-120.

She is a specialist in Heidegger’s philosophy, Hegel’s philosophy, Postmodern philosophy, Contemporary Italian philosophy (Gianni Vattimo, Giorgio Agamben and others); Speculative and New Realisms; the problem of Nihilism and Negativity in Western Philosophy. She was Visiting Professor of Turin’s university (Italy) (2020). She was a lecturer at universities of Italy, Spain, Portugal, Belgium, Austria, USA and invited lecturer of international conferences at different universities of Italy, Spain, France, Germany. Rita Serpytyte was awarded the Lithuanian Science Prize of 2022 in the field of the humanities for the cycle of studies “Western Nihilism between Diagnosis and Theory (2007–2021)”.

Prof. Dra. Manca Erzetic


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Assoc. Prof. Dr. Manca Erzetič obtained her Ph.D. at the Faculty of Arts of the University of Ljubljana (Slovenia) under the direction of Prof. Dr. Dean Komel, with the dissertation entitled “Witnessing in Philosophy and Literature within the Historical Situation of the 20th Century”.Her research activity in the field of hermeneutics of testimony, existential phenomenology, cultural and political philosophy, theory and history of literature at the Institute Nova Revija for the Humanities, she lectures at the Faculty for Slovenian and International Studies of the New University; at the same faculty was a Vice-Dean in 2019-2024. She has received several international awards for her scientific research and essayistic work; in recent years for Hermeneutic Trinity in Sodobnost: Journal for Literature and Culture, and an award from the University in Ljubljana for her work “Concentration Camps as a Zone of Evil: The Hermeneutics of a Testifier and Literary Testifying”. In recent years, she has been a guest lecturer at several universities and institutions (Moscow, Katowice, Alba Iulia, Bucharest, Budapest, Trieste, Zagreb).

Some of her publications are:

  • “Hermeneutics of Witnessing” (Ljubljana, Institute Nova Revija for the Humanities, 2023)
  • “Vulnerability and Testimony within the Nihilistic Experience and Existential Attestation” (In: Teoria: rivista di filosofia, Vol. 43, 1, 2023, pp. 69-87)
  • “The Hermeneutics of Testimony in the Context of Social Mediation” (In: Thinking Togetherness: Phenomenology and Sociality, Institute Nova Revija for the Humanities, 2023, pp. 413-427);
  • “On Witnessing” (In: Tvrđa: Journal for Theory, culture and visual arts, 2023, Vol. 1-2, 2023, pp. 60–90);
  • “The Barren Island as a Totalitarian Method of Terror” (In: The Barren Island after Seventy Years, ed. by, Manca Erzetič, Institute Nova Revija for the Humanities, 2021, pp. 35-50);
  • “The Bare Truth of the Totalitarian System and the Island of Its Testimony” (In: Barren Island: Scars of the Past, eds. Pavić et al., 2021, pp. 105-127);
  • “Eksistencialna opredelitev pričevanja” (In: Phainomena: Journal of Phenomenology and Hermeneutics, vol. 29, 114/115, 2020, pp. 109-129);
  • “Okružja svjedočenja” (In: Tvrđa: journal for Theory, Culture and Visual Arts, Vol. 1-2, 2020, pp. 293–297);
  • “Vprašanje o zgodovinski umeščenosti človeške eksistence” (In: Annales: Series Historia et Sociologia – Istrian and Mediterranean Studies, Vol. 29, 4, 2019, pp. 577–588);
  • “Russian Revolution Through the Prism of Srečko Kosovel’s World View and His Poetry” (In: Monitor ISH, Journal for the Humanities and Social Sciences, Vol. 20, 1, 2018, pp. 123-137);
  • “A question about Witnessing” (In: Apokalipsa, 2017, 207/208, pp. 206-215); 
  • “Svjedok totalitarnoga sustava: dehumanizacija čovjeka u političkom logoru i poslije njega” (In: Tvrđa, 2016, Vol. 1-2, pp. 249–258);
  • “The Reception of F. M. Dostoevsky’s Literary Opus in the Works of Slovenian theorists: The Brothers Karamazov. (In: Rossija i russkij čelovek v vosprijatii slavjanskih narodov. Centr knigi Rudomino, 2014, pp. 464–479)
  • “Slovenian Literary Studies in the Context of Foreign Literatures: Heterogeneous, Homogeneous and Intercultural Literary Productions” (In: Romanoslavica, 2012, Vol. 48, No. 1, pp. 153–168)
  • “Hermeneutic Trinity” (In: Sodobnost: Journal for Literature and Culture, 2012, Vol. 77, No. 1/2, pp. 133-139)

She participated in several international conferences, some of which she also organized, edited a book of conference proceedings (e.g.: Barren Island after Seventy Years), and a section about testimony (e.g.: About testimony). She has also organized and chaired summer and autumn international schools (Totalitarianism in the 20th Century: Historical, Social, Humanistic and Legal Aspects, in 2020; The Crisis of Autonomy of Journalism in Contemporary Society, in 2023) and also audio-video recorded a few interviews with witnesses of the totalitarian regimes. She is a member of the Executive Board of the Central and Eastern European Conference on Phenomenology. 


Prof. Dr. Žarko Paić


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Graduated at the Faculty of Political Science of the Zagreb University, M.A. in philosophy at the same university, he completed a PhD in sociology at the Faculty of Humanities in Zagreb. He is the main editor of TVRĐA – Journal for Theory, Culture and Visual Arts, deputy editor of the European Messenger, a member of the International editorial board of IMAGES: Journal for Visual Studies, PHILOSOPHY STUDY and PHAINOMENA. He has won international awards for literature of Central European countries by Austrian Foundation KULTURKONTAKT from Vienna in 2008.

Some of his most recent publications are:

  • The Return of Totalitarianism: Ideology, Terror, and Total Control (Berlin, Palgrave Macmillan, 2022)
  • Fashion Theory and the Visual Semiotics of the Body (Cambridge Scholars Publishing, 2022)
  •  Art and the Technosphere. The Platforms of Strings (Cambridge Scholars Publishing, 2022)
  • “The Technosphere as a New Aesthetic” ‎ (In: Cambridge Scholars Publishing, 2022)
  • “Moć, masa i brutalnost. Putinov ratni stroj” (In: Europski glasnik-Le Messager europée, N°27, 2022, pp. 367-387)
  • “Dostojanstvo života. Misaoni put Hansa Jonasa” (In: Europski glasnik-Le Messager européen, N°27, 2022, pp. 599- 610)
  • “Metafilm ili o živoj singularnosti mišljenja – Gilles Deleuze i obrat metafizike slike” (In: Tvrđa – časopis za teoriju, kulturu i vizualne umjetnosti, N°1-2, 2022, pp. 153- 165)
  • “Između Jeruzalema i Atene–Leo Strauss i granice političke filozofije” (In: Tvrđa-časopis za teoriju, kulturu i vizualne umjetnosti, N°1-2, 2022, pp. 103- 117)
  • Aesthetics and the Iconoclasm of Contemporary Art: Pictures Without a World (Berlin, Springer Verlag 2021)
  • “¿Triunfo mesiánico de la ética? Emmanuel Lévinas y la aporía en el pensamiento del Otro” (En: Cuestiones de Filosofía, Vol. 7 Núm. 28, 2021, pp. 53-92)
  • “Event of the Moment: Time in Contemporary Art. (In: Aesthetics and the Iconoclasm of Contemporary Art. Springer Briefs in Philosophy. Springer, 2021)
  • “Technosphere as the Absolute? Hegel and the end of metaphysics” (In: Dijalog-Časopis za filozofiju i društvenu teoriju, No. 1, 2021)
  • “Le Messager européen” (In: Europski glasnik, No. 26, 2021)
  • “Technosphere A New Digital Aesthetics? The Body As Event, Interactivity And Visualisation Of Ideas” (In: tvrdja, 2021)
  • “Nihilism and History. What Remained of Postmodernity?” (In: Filozofska istraživanja, Vol. 41, No 3, 2021)
  • The Spheres of Existence – Three Studies on Kierkegaard (2021).
  • “Zatvoreno društvo O Foucaultovu dispozitivu moći” (In: Zeničke sveske-Časopis za društvenu fenomenologiju i kulturnu dijalogiku, N°33-34, 2021, pp. 275-308)
  • “Tragedija bez patnje? O tajni suvremene egzistencije” (In: Zeničke sveske-Časopis za društvenu fenomenologiju i kulturnu dijalogiku, N°33-34, 2021, pp. 24-51)
  • “Besmrtnost bez tajne” (In: Tvrđa-časopis za teoriju, kulturu i vizualne umjetnosti, N°1-2, 2021, pp. 95-111)
  • “U znaku homo laboransa” (In:  Europski glasnik-Le Messager européen, N°26, 2021, pp. 669- 688)
  • “Rilkeova oporuka. Nihilizam kao Unheimlichkeit. Zapisi uz Devinske elegije” (In: KNJIŽEVNA REPUBLIKA, časopis za književnost, N°01+06, 2021, pp. 215-239)
  • “Prikaz knjige Krešimira Petkovića” (In: Tvrđa-časopis za teoriju, kulturu i vizualne umjetnosti, N°1-2, 2021, pp. 306-308)
  • “Galovićev put mišljenja” (In: Tvrđa-časopis za teoriju, kulturu i vizualne umjetnosti, N°1-2, 2021, pp. 6-9)
  • “Na putu bez povratka” (In : Europski glasnik-Le Messager européen, N°26, 2021, pp. 269-290)
  • “Tehnosfera kao apsolut? Hegel i kraj metafizike” (In: Dijalog-Časopis za filozofiju i društvenu teoriju, N°1-2, 2021, pp.105-133)
  • “Što je to postimperijalna suverenost? Uz Nomos zemlje–Carl Schmitt i kritičko čitanje Hanne Arendt” (In: Politička Misao, Vol. 58, N°03, 2021, pp.77-104)
  • Neoliberalism, Oligarchy and the Politics of the Event – At the Edge of Chaos (Cambridge Scholars Publishing, 2020)
  • “University and Technosphere: The End of Humanities and the Possibility of Reversal” (In: Anafora, Vol. 7, No. 2, 2020, pp. 313-338)
  • “Synaesthetic Without Sensitivity? The Body as a Technological Construction” (In: Philosophy Study, Vol. 9, No. 6, 2019. pp. 333-354)
  • “Zombie Book. On Programmed Future and Writing Without the Ultimate Purpose” (In: Sztuka i demokracja, No. 17, 2019)
  • “An-Arché as the Voice of the People: Jacques Rancière and the Politics of Disagreement” (In: International Journal of Philosophy, Vol. 7, No. 1, 2019, pp. 1-16)
  • White Holes and the Visualization of the Body (London, Palgrave Macmillan 2019)
  • Andjeo povijesti i mesija dogadjaja: Umjetnost-politika-tehnika u djelu Waltera Benjamina (Fakultet za medije i komunikacije – Univerzitet Singidunum, 2018)
  • What does it mean to be an alien? Bernhard Waldenfels and politics of responsive interculturalism. (In: Filozofija i društvo / Philosophy and Society, Vol. 29, No. 3, 2018, Pp. 355-376)
  • “Creativity, Body-Design and Contemporary Fashion: The Deconstruction of the Luxury” (In: International Journal of Humanities and Social Science, Vol. 8, No. 4. 2018, p. 69-77)
  • “Identity as a Power Apparatus: The end of Ideology or Politics of Multiculturalism?” (In: Politička Misao, No. 1, 2012)
  • “Preobrazbe biopolitike” (In: Politička misao, Vol. 46 No. 1, 2009, pp. 7-27).

He is a member of the Croatian Writers Society, the Croatian PEN Centre, Croatian Philosophical Society and the Society for Advanced Philosophy, Kierkegaard Institute, ForHum, Institute for European and Globalization studies, and he is a head of the scientific research project IMAGE SCIENCE: VISUALIZATION AND CONTEMPORARY ART at the Center for Visual Studies in Zagreb.

Prof. Dr. Gaetano Chiurazzi

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Philosopher at the Università degli studi di Torino, with the work (summa cum laude) Scrittura e tecnica. Derrida e la metafisica (Torino, Rosenberg & Sellier, 1992), under the guidance of Gianni Vattimo. Ph.D. of the same university, with a dissertation (summa cum laude) about the relationship between ontology and language by Hegel and Heidegger: Hegel, Heidegger e la grammatica dell’essere (Bari, Laterza, 1996). Main research interests are especially the metaphysics, the philosophical hermeneutics, the relationship between language and ontology, the theories of judgment, the philosophy of translation, the ancient philosophy (Plato), German philosophy (Kant, Hegel, Nietzsche, Husserl, Heidegger, Gadamer) and French contemporary philosophy (Foucault, Derrida, Deleuze).

Among his many publications, in addition to the already mentioned, are:

  • “Obra de Arte e Verdade – Work of Art and Truth: Sobre a Inversão de Heidegger Da Estética de Platão” (In: Revista Portuguesa de Filosofia, Vol. 78, No. 3, 2022, pp. 1049–1062)
  • Ontology of the Incommensurable (Torino, Department of Philosophy and Educational Sciences. University of Torino, 2021)
  • Seconda natura: da Lascaux al digitale (Torino, Rosenberg & Sellier, 2021)
  • “Identity and difference: Severino and Heidegger” (In: Eternity and Contradiction, Vol 3, No. 5, 2021, pp. 42-54)
  • “L´asimmetria del principio: principio di ragione ed evento” (In: Giornale di Metafisica, Vol. 1, 2021, pp. 28-44)
  • Détours de Derrida. Ecriture, traduction, économie (Milano-Udine, Ediciones Mimesis, 2020) 
  • “Un viaje al extranjero”. Sobre el significado político y cultural de la traducción (In: Hybris, Revista de Filosofía, Vol. 11, Nº. 1, 2020, pp. 133-147)
  • “Il ritorno del possibile. Ruyer e la struttura della finalità” (In: Ritorno alla metafisica? Aracne, Vol. 10, 2019, pp. 113-127)
  • “One small step Onto-politics of the limit as ontology of the possible transformation” (In: Cooper, Anthony y Tinning, Soren. Debating and defining borders. Philosophical and theoretical perspectives, 2019)
  • “L’infinito e la sua espressione. Sull’interpretazione hegeliana del calcolo infinitesimale nella Scienza della logica” (In: Sandrin, Chiara. Segni e metafore dell’Infinito nell’epoca classicistico-romantica, Accademia University Press, 2019)
  • “La storicità della traduzione” (In: Culture in traduzione: un paradigma per l’Europa, NIMESIS, 2018)
  • “Kant’s Revolutionary Metaphysics as a New Policy of Reason” (In: Proceedings of the XXIII World Congress of Philosophy, vol. 23, 2018, pp. 29-33)
  • Détours de Derrida. Ecriture, traduction, économie (Milano-Udine, Ediciones Mimesis, 2020)
  • “Un viaje al extranjero”. Sobre el significado político y cultural de la traducción (In: Hybris, Revista de Filosofía, Vol. 11, Nº. 1, 2020, pp. 133-147)
  • “Il ritorno del possibile. Ruyer e la struttura della finalità” (In: Ritorno alla metafisica? Aracne, Vol. 10, 2019, pp. 113-127)
  • “One small step Onto-politics of the limit as ontology of the possible transformation” (In: Cooper, Anthony y Tinning, Soren. Debating and defining borders. Philosophical and theoretical perspectives, 2019)
  • “Derrida e l’infinito” (In: Giornale di metafísica, No. 2, 2019, pp. 1-16)
  • “L’infinito e la sua espressione. Sull’interpretazione hegeliana del calcolo infinitesimale nella Scienza della logica” (In: Sandrin, Chiara. Segni e metafore dell’Infinito nell’epoca classicistico-romantica, Accademia University Press, 2019)
  • “Derrida e l’infinito” (In: Giornale di metafísica, No. 2, 2019, pp. 1-16)
  • “Are There Simple Objects? Hegel’s Discussion of Kant’s Second Antinomy in Relation to Wittgenstein’s Tractatus” (In: Mácha, Jakub and Berg, Alexander. Wittgenstein and Hegel. Reevaluation of Difference, Berlin-Boston, Walter de Gruyter, 2019, pp. 311-324)
  • “Vedere altro, comprendere altrimenti: l’esperienza della differenza tra Husserl e Heidegger” (In: Annuario di Filosofia, No. 34, 2018, pp. 17-31)
  • “El mercado entre especulación y praxis. Sobre el significado histórico-dinámico de la desrealización” (In: Pensamiento al Margen, No. 2, 2018, pp. 178-191)
  • Dynamis. Ontologia dell’incommensurabile (Milán, Guerini e Associati, 2017), “Possibility and Radical Understanding” (In: Meta: Research in Hermeneutics, Phenomenology and Practical Philosophy, vol. IX, No. 2, 2017, pp. 700-715)
  • “OCM: Organismos Culturalmente Modificados” (In: Hybris. Revista de Filosofia, vol. 8, No. 2, 2017, pp. 41-53)
  • “Universality without Domain: The Ontology of Hermeneutical Practice” (In: Journal of the British Society for Phenomenology, vol. 48, No. 3, 2017, pp. 198-208)
  • “Materia noematica e materia temporale: tra fenomenologia ed ermeneutica” (In: Le Moli, Andrea and Cicatello, Angelo, Understanding Matter,  vol. 2,  Palermo, New Digital Frontiers, 2016, pp. 51-64)
  • “Inconvertibilità e différance. La decostruzione tra nichilismo finanziario e dono” (In: Phasis. European Journal of Philosophy, No. 3, 2015, pp. 71-88)
  • “Pareyson and Vattimo: from Truth to Nihilism” (In: Malpas, Jeff and Gander, Hans-Helmut. Companion to Hermeneutics, New York, Routledge, 2015, pp. 179-190)
  • “Incommensurability and Experience of Alterity: Translation from Ontology to Economy” (In: Chiurazzi, Gaetano. The Frontiers of the Other: Ethics and Politics of Translation, Berlin-Münster, LIT Verlag, 2013, pp. 41-60)
  • “Ontología de la inactualidad” (In: Oñate Teresa, Cubo, Oscar, Zubía, Paloma and Núñez, Amanda. El segundo Heidegger: Ecología, Arte, Teología, Madrid, Dikinson, 2012, pp. 139-147)
  • “La phronêsis comme rationalité diagonale. Entre universalisme et relativisme” (In: Portocarrero, María Luisa, Umbelino, Antoio and Wiercinski, Aandrzej. Hermeneutic Rationality. La rationalité herméneutique, Berlin-Münster-Zürich-Wien-London, LIT Verlag, 2012, pp. 97-112)
  • L’esperienza della verità (Milano-Udine, Mimesis, 2011; Serbian tr. Iskutsvo istine, Beograd, Akademska knjiga, 2016; English tr. The Experience of Truth, Broadway, SUNY Press, 2017; Portuguese tr. A experiência da verdade, Anhangabaú-Jundiaí, Paco editorial, 2019)
  • “Lo spirito e la lettera: Vattimo e Derrida” (In: Pagano, Maurizio. Spirito. Percorsi nella filosofia e nelle culture, Milano-Udine, Mimesis, 2011, pp. 619-636)
  • “The Experiment of Nihilism” (In: Benso, Silvia and Schroeder, Brian. Between Nihilism and Politics: The Hermeneutics of Gianni Vattimo, Albany, SUNY Press, 2010, pp. 15-32)
  • Teorie del giudizio (Roma, Aracne, 2005; Spanish tr. Teorías del juicio, Madrid-Ciudad del México, Plaza y Valdes, 2008), Modalità ed esistenza. Dalla critica della ragion pura alla critica della ragione ermeneutica (Roma, Aracne, 2001; German tr. Modalität und Existenz. Von der Kritik der reinen Vernunft zur Kritik der hermeneutischen Vernunft, Würzburg, Königshausen & Neumann, 2006) / postmoderno (Milán, Mondadori, 1999)). 


He is currently full Professor at the Università degli studi di Torino, where he teaches Theoretical Philosophy, Metaphysics, and Philosophical Hermeneutics. He carried out his research activities in the Universities of Heidelberg, Berlin, Paris, Oxford, and has been Visiting Professor (Erasmus Programm) at the universities of Mons, Vilnius, Oviedo, Prague, Wuppertal. He is Director of Programm by the Collège International de Philosophie de Paris (2019-2025) and is a member of numerous philosophical international associations. Prof. Dr. Chiurazzi is, likewise, the co-editor, with Gianni Vattimo, of Tropos. Rivista di ermeneutica e critica filosofica.

Prof. Ph. D. Andrew Benjamin

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He is Bachelor and Master of Arts at the Australian National University, DEA from the Université Paris VII Denis Diderot, and Dr. at the University of Warwick. His main areas of interest are the ancient philosophy, the German philosophy of the twentieth centuries and the relationship between philosophy and history of art. He is editor of Walter Benjamin Studies (Bloomsbury) and Philosophical Projections (Rowman and Littlefield International).

Among his books, numerous articles and chapters, are:

  • “In an unbounded way: after Kant on genius” (In: Research in Phenomenology, vol. 49, No. 1, 2019, forthcoming)
  • “Doubt and indifference: threshold conditions within the work of art” (In: Aisthesis. Pratiche, linguaggi e saperi dell’estetico, vol. 12, No. 1, 2019, forthcoming)
  • “Redressing the metaphysics of nudity: notes on Seneca, Arendt, and Dignity” (In: Classical Philology, vol. 111, No. 4, 2018, pp. 39-52)
  • “The World in Ruins: Heidegger, Poussin, Kiefer” (In: Journal of Aesthetics and Phenomenology, vol. 4, No. 2, 2017, pp. 101-123)
  • “Being and Appearing: Notes on Arendt and Relationality” (In: Arendt Studies, vol. 2, No. 1, pp. 215-232)
  • “Rethinking Philosophical Anthropology” (with Malpas, Jeff. International Journal of Philosophical Studies, vol. 25, No. 3, 2017, pp. 317-319)
  • “The Predicament of Life: Dennis Schmidt and the Ethical Subject” (In: Epoché: A Journal for the History of Philosophy, vol. 21, No. 2, 2017, pp. 67-78)
  • “Two forms of gesture: notes on Aby Warburg and Walter Benjamin” (In: Aisthesis. Pratiche, linguaggi e saperi dell’estetico, vol. 10, No. 1, 2017, pp. 21-40)
  • “The world of striving: Walter Benjamin’s ‘Notes to a study on the category of justice’” (In: Anthropology & Materialism. A Journal of Social Research, No. 4, 2017, online)
  • “Inexhaustibility at the outset: notes on Hamacher and philology” (In: Philosophy Today, vol. 61, No. 4, 2017, pp. 995-1004)
  • “Oikonomia, incarnation and immediacy: the figure of the Jew in St John of Damascus” (In: International Journal of Philosophical Studies, vol. 25, No. 3, 2017, pp. 407-422)
  • “Recovering anoriginal relationality” (In: Research in Phenomenology, vol. 47, No. 3, 2017, pp. 250-261)
  • “Gesture and expression: interrupting Lament’s repetition: Walter Benjamin and Sophocles Electra” (In: Figal, Günter and Zimmermann, Bernhard. International Yearbook for Hermeneutics, Tubingen, Mohr Siebeck, 2017, pp. 13-29)
  • “The Predicament of Life. Dennis Schmidt and the Ethical Subject” (In: Epoché. A Journal for the History of Philosophy, vol. 21, No. 2, pp. 1085-1968)
  • “Reading, Seeing and the Logic of Abandonment: Rembrandt’s Self-Portrait as the Apostle Paul” (In: van der Heiden, Gert-Jan and van Kooten, George. Saint Paul and Philosophy: The Consonance of Ancient and Modern Thought, Berlin, de Gruyter, 2017, pp. 21-46)
  • “Barring fear: Philo and the Hermeneutic Project” (In: Epoché: A Journal for the History of Philosophy, vol. 20, No. 2, 2016, pp. 307-326)
  • Virtue in being: Towards an Ethics of the Unconditioned (Albany, SUNY Press, 2016)
  • “On Jewish being: notes on Jean Amery” (In: Journal of French and Francophone Philosophy, vol. 24, No. 3, 2016, pp. 157-172)
  • “The problem of authority in Arendt and Aristotle” (In: Philosophy Today, vol. 60, No. 2, 2016, pp. 253-276)
  • “Furor Divinus: creativity in Plato’s Ion” (In: Odradek: Studies in Philosophy of Literature, Aesthetics and New Media Theories, vol. 1, No. 2, 2015, online)
  • “And colour?: Sallis on art’s coloring” (In: Wirth, Jason; Schwartz, Michael and Jones, David. On the true sense of art: a critical companion to the transfigurements of John Sallis. Evanston, Northwestern University Press, 2015, pp. 135-156)
  • “Leben und Gluck: modernity and tragedy in Walter Benjamin, Hölderlin, and Sophocles” (In: Billings, Joshua and Leonard, Miriam. Tragedy and the idea of modernity, Oxford, Oxford University Press, 2015, pp. 115-134)
  • “Responding” (In: Philosophy Today, vol. 59, No. 1, 2015, pp. 147-153)
  • Art’s philosophical work (London, Rowman & Littlefield International, 2015)
  • Sparks will fly: Walter Benjamin and Martin Heidegger (ed. with Vardoulakis, Dimitris. New York, SUNY press, 2015)
  • Towards a relational ontology. Philosophy’s other possibility (New York, SUNY press, 2015

He currently holds two academic posts: Distinguished Professor of Philosophy and the Humanities at Kingston University (London) and Professor of Philosophy and Jewish Thought in the Department of Philosophy and the Australian Centre for Jewish Civilization at Monash University (Australia). The Professor Benjamin has become involved in the field of architecture, to the extent that he has also taught in various schools of architecture in England, USA and Australia.

Prof. Ph.D. Tsunafumi Takeuchi

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Ph.D. at the Kyoto University (Japan). Magister and Bachelor from the same university. His research has been focused about Nietzsche, Heidegger, Schopenhauer, nihilism and the philosophy of religion.

Some of his most recent publications are:

    • Das neue Jahrhundert Schopenhauers (Würzburg, Königshausen &amp; Neumann, 2022)
    • Affirmation of Life: Overcoming Nihilism through Nietzsche (Tokyo, Hosei University Press, 2020)
    • “Was bedeutet Nietzsches Kritik am Christentum in der postsäkularen Gesellschaft?” (In: Nietzsche und die Reformation, Berlin, De Gruyter, 2020, pp. 319-330)
    • “Wer ist der „gute Europäer“? – Aus der Perspektive der japanischen Nietzsche-Forschungsgeschichte” (In: European/Supra-European: Cultural Encounters in Nietzsche’s Philosophy, Berlin, De Gruyter, 2020, pp. 349-360)
    • “Think Rationally but Feel Spiritually A Nihilistic Dualism in Modern Japan” (In: Teoria. Rivista di filosofia, Vol. 40, N°1, 2020, pp. 137-146)
    • “Nietzsche´s Critique of Schopenhauer&#39;s Morality of Compassion” (In: Schopenhauer-Jahrbuch, N°101, 2020, pp. 227-240)
    • “On Nietzsche´s Critique of Sympathy = Sympathetic Suffering” (In: Ryukoku Journal of Philosophy, N°34, 2020, pp. 61-81)
    • “Self-Transcendence without Transcendent -Transcendence and Ethics in Nietzsche” (In: Journal of Ethics, N°49, 2019)
    • “Wer ist der gute Europäer? Aus der Perspektive der japanischen Nietzsche-Forschungsgeschichte“ (In: Brusotti, Marco; Mcneal, Michael; Schubert, Corinna and Siemens, Hermann. European / Supra-european: Cultural Encounters in Nietzsche’s Philosophy, Berlin, Walter de Gruyter, 2019)
    • “Is God really dead? Nietzsche on Religion and Science” (In: Schopenhauer Kenkyu / Schopenhauer Studies, 23/2018)
    • “Leib und Welt bei Schopenhauer und Nietzsche” (In: Schopenhauer-Jahrbuch, pp. 197-209,  2016)
    • “Nietzsche and Weber: Around the “Crisis of Sciences” (In: Katsuya Akitomi et al. Zoku Heidegger Tokuhon / Companion to Heidegger, Hosei-Daigaku- Shuppankyoku, pp. 117-124 , 2016)
    • “Nietzsche on Nihilism and Body” (In: Shukyo-Tetsugaku Kenkyu / Studies in the Philosophy of Religion. Society for the Philosophy of Religion, pp.43-56, Vol.  33/2016 )
    • “Nihilism and Genealogy” (In: Heidegger-Forum in Japan, vol. 6, pp. 1-13,  2012)
    • “Is the World My Representation? Schopenhauer and Nietzsche, or, Representation and Interpretation” (In: Schopenhauer Kenkyu / Schopenhauer Studies, Japan Schopenhauer Association, pp. 35-59, Vol. 16/2011)
    • “Rethinking the Metaphysics in The Birth of Tragedy” (In: Ryukoku Tetsugaku Ronshu / The Philosophical Review of Ryukoku University, the Ryukoku Philosophical Society, pp. 1-32,  Vol. 25/2011)
    • “Nietzsche’s Experimental Philosophy” (In: Risou / Ideals, pp. 61-74  Vol. 684/2010)
    • “Apollo and Socrates: Toward a Rehabilitation of the Philosophy of History in The Birth of Tragedy” (In: Metaphysica, Osaka University, pp. 13-25 , Vol. 40/2009)
    • “A Book for Everyone and No One: Nietzsche’s Thus Spoke Zarathustra” (In: Sakonji, Sachiko, Seiyou Tetsugaku no Jussatsu / Ten Books in the Western, Tokio, Iwanami-shoten, pp. 133-152, 2009)
    • “Schopenhauer’s Concept of Life” (In: Dilthey Kenkyu / Dilthey Studies, Japan Dilthey Society, pp. 62-79,  Vol. 19, 2008)
    • “The Problem sphere of Nietzsche’s On the Use and Disadvantage of History for Life” (In: JitsuzonShiso Ronshu / Annals of Existential Thought, The Japan Society of Existential Thought, XXIII, pp. 139-156,  2008)
    • “The Free Spirit and the Free Will: Nietzsche’s Concept of Freedom in Human, All Too Human” (In: Rinrigaku Kenkyu / Annals of Ethical Studies, The Kansai Ethical Society, pp. 100-111, Vol. 38/2008,).

He is a committee member of different philosophical associations in Japan (Japanese Society for the Philosophy of Religion, Japan Schopenhauer-Association, Heidegger-Forum). Associate professor at Ryokoku University (Kyoto, Japan); 2015-2016 Guest Researcher at Forschungsstelle “Nietzsche-Kommentar”, Albert-Ludwigs-Universität Freiburg (Germany).

Prof. Ph. D. María Teresa Oñate y Zubía

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Ph.D. in Philosophy from Universidad Complutense de Madrid (UCM) with a dissertation entitled “Causalidad, teleología y modalidad en Aristóteles”, and Bachelor in philosophy at the same university. Her main areas of research are related to the ancient Greek philosophy, hermeneutics, ontology, postmodernity, contemporary thinking, cultural criticism (alternative movements and current approaches), hermeneutic history of film and educative television.

Some of her publications are:

  • Por el vuelo de Glauca: hacia un ecofeminismo cuidador. En: Filosofía de la historia y feminismos. – (Pensar nuestro tiempo) – Madrid: Dykinson, 2021- Casalini pp. 15-31
  • “Escuchar a Heidegger hoy: la cuestión judía, la cuestión griega y la revolución espiritual del futuro anterior” (En: Pensamiento al Margen. Revista de ideas políticas y ciencias sociales, N.º 1, 2021, pp. 75-101).
  • “La refutación del Nihilismo en Tiempo y Ser: Heidegger repensando a Parménides” (En: Teoria. Rivista di Filosofia, Vol. 40, 2020/1, pp. 91-102).
  • Pandemia, Globalización, Ecología ¿Qué piensa la Hermenéutica Crítica? 34 filósofas y filósofos responden a estas cuestiones (Nacho Escutia y Begoña Fleitas. Eds.). (Ed. UNED, Madrid, 2020).
  • “Ontología hermenéutica y nihilismo I” (En: Pensamiento al Margen. Revista de ideas políticas y ciencias sociales, N.º 2, 2019, pp. 10-27).
  • Interpretazione della metafísica di Aristotele. Teologia e ontologia modale (Tomo II), Translated from Spanish into Italian by Haris Papoulias, Τρόπος profili (Collana Diretta da Gaetano Chiurazzi), (Roma, Ed. Aracne, 2019).
  • Estética ecológica y filosofía de la historia (Hermenéuticas contra la Violencia II). (Madrid, Midalc, 2019)
  • Estética y Nihilismo (Hermenéuticas contra La Violencia II) [Ed. y Coord. de Teresa Oñate &amp; Nacho Escutia], (Madrid, Ed. Dykinson, 2019).
  • Estética y Paideía (Hermenéuticas contra La Violencia I) [Ed. y Coord. de Teresa Oñate &amp; Nacho Escutia], (Madrid, Ed. Dykinson, 2019).
  • Estética Ecológica y Filosofía de la Historia (Hermenéuticas contra La Violencia III) [Ed. y Coord. de Teresa Oñate Nacho Escutia], (Madrid, Ed. Dykinson, 2019).
  • El claro del bosque. La cuestión del Sujeto ante los retos de la Globalización. Con Marisa Alcaide (Eds.), (Ed. Dykinson -Colección Pensamientos Majoris, Madrid, 2019).
  • Interpretazione della metafísica di Aristotele. La rinascita de’ll aristotelismo e l’oblio della πρώτη οὐσία (Tomo I), Trad. al italiano de Haris Papoulias, Coll. Τρόπος profili (Collana Diretta da Gaetano Chiurazzi), (Roma, Ed. Aracne, 2018).
  • Paideia hermenéutica: Porque el fin del maestro es ver al alumno enseñando (En prensa. Madrid: Dykinson, 2018)
  • Ontología ecológica y filosofía de la historia. Hermenéutica contra la violencia (Madrid: Dykinson, 2018)
  • El cuidado de sí: Cuerpo. Alma. Mente. Mundo (ed. with Hernández Nieto, Marco Antonio, et al. Madrid: Dykinson, vol. I, 2017, vol. II 2018)
  • Con Paul Ricoeur. Espacios de interpelación: Tiempo. Dolor. Justicia. Relatos (ed. with Díaz Arroyo, José Luis, et al. Madrid: Dykinson, 2016)
  • La postmodernidad. Jean François Lyotard y Gianni Vattimo (ed. with Arribas, Brais. Barcelona: Bonalletra Alcompás, 2015)
  • Crítica y crisis de occidente. Al encuentro de las interpretaciones (ed. with Zubía, Paloma, et al. Madrid: Dykinson, 2013)
  • Acontecer y comprender. La hermenéutica crítica tras diez años sin Gadamer (ed. with Cáceres, David y Zubía, Paloma. Madrid: Dykinson, 2012)
  • El segundo Heidegger. Ecología. Arte. Teología. En el 50 aniversario de Tiempo y Ser (ed. with Cubo, Oscar; Zubía, Paloma, &amp; Núñez, Amanda. Madrid: Dykinson, 2012)
  • El compromiso del espíritu actual. Con Gianni Vattimo en Torino (ed. with Leiro, Daniel; Núñez, Amanda and Cubo, Oscar. Cuenca: Alderabán. 2010)
  • El Retorno teológico-político de la inocencia (Madrid: Dykinson, 2010)
  • Materiales de ontología estética y hermenéutica (Madrid: Dykinson, 2009)
  • Politeísmo y encuentro con el islam (ed. with Vattimo, Gianni; Núñez, Amanda and Arenas, Francisco.
    Madrid: Dykinson, 2008)
  • El mito del uno. Horizontes de latinidad (ed. with Vattimo, Gianni; Núñez, Amanda and Arenas, Francisco. Madrid: Dykinson, 2007)
  • Ética de las verdades hoy. Homenaje a Gianni Vattimo (ed. with Royo, Simón. Madrid: UNED, 2006)
  • Hans-Georg Gadamer. Ontología estética y hermenéutica (ed. with García Santos, Cristina and Quintana,
    Miguel Ángel. Madrid: Dykinson, 2005)
  • El Nacimiento de la Filosofía en Grecia. Viaje al inicio de Occidente (Madrid: Dykinson, 2004)
  • Para leer la Metafísica de Aristóteles en el siglo XXI. Análisis crítico-hermenéutico de los 14 lógoi de Filosofía Primera (Madrid: Dykinson, 2001),
  • El retorno de lo divino griego en la postmodernidad. Una discusión con el nihilismo de Gianni Vattimo (Madrid: Alderabán, 2000).

Professor Oñate y Zubía is member of the Director’s Board in the Sociedad Académica de Filosofía de España (SAF), and founder member of the Sociedad Ibérica de Filosofía Griega (SIFG). She was professor at the Universidad Complutense de Madrid (1984-2000) and since May 2000 is Professor at the Universidad Nacional de Educación a Distancia (UNED). Since 2009 she has been a visiting professor in the Master of Philosophy at the Universidad Autónoma de Madrid in which she teaches the course “Hermeneutics and Ontology: The twists of the current thinking”. She has also been Director of the Cátedra Internacional de Hermenéutica Crítica Hercritia-Santander since 2011 and of the philosophy TV program «Voces del Pensamiento» (conducted by TVE-2-UNED CEMAV) since 2003.

Prof. Ph.D. Kim Seung Chul

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Graduated in physics from Korea University. He studied systemic theology at the Graduate School of the Methodist Theological Seminary in Seoul (Korea), with which he obtained the title of magister in theology (Master of Theology). He received his doctorate in theology from the Theological Faculty of the Universität Basel (Switzerland), with the dissertation Die Hoffnung des Nichts: Zur Eschatologie von Paul Schütz im Dialog mit der Zen-Lehre Chinuls. His academic interests include interreligious dialogue, dialogue between religion and science, bioethics and Christian literature.

Among his numerous publications it can be highlighted the following ones:

  • “The Buddhist understanding of nihilism by Keiji Nishitani in front of the scientific explanation of the religion” (In: Teoria. Rivista di filosofia, Vol. 40, N° 1, 2020, pp. 125-136)
  • “An Asian Christian Theology in Dialogue with the Buddhist Philosophy of Keiji Nishitani” (In: L´esperienza religiosa tra Oriente e Occidente, Vol. 14, 2019, pp. 19-30)
  • “Buddhist Appropriation of Darwinian Theory in Modern Northeast Asia” (In: Proceedings of the XXIII World Congress of Philosophy, Vol. 61, 2018, pp. 91-94)
  • “Global markets, innovation eco-system and technology infrastructure development: global supply chain perspective” (In: Perspectives on Global Development and Technology, Vol. 16, N° 5, 2017, pp. 483-468)
  • 엔도 슈사쿠: 흔적과 아픔의 문학』서울:비아토르 [Shusaku Endo: The Literature of Trace and Pain] (Seoul: Viator Publishing, 2017. [In Korean])
  • “Der philosophische Glaube angesichts des religiösen Pluralismus” (In: Cesana, Andreas. Kulturkonflikte und Kommunikation. Cross-Cultural Conflicts and Communication: Zur Aktualität von Jaspers‘Philosophie. Rethinking Jaspers‘Philosophie Today. Würzburg: Königshausen &amp; Neuman, 2016, pp.325-332)
  • “Religion and Science in Dialogue: An Asian Christian View” (In: Zygon: Journal of Religion and Science, vol. 51, No. 1, March 2016, pp.63-70)}
  • 無住와 放浪:基督 教神学 의 仏教的想像力』서울:동연출판사 [Non-Abiding and Erring: A Buddhist Imagination of Christian Theology] (Seoul: Dongyon Publishing, 2015, 398p. [In Korean])
  • “Śūnyatā and Kokoro: Science-Religion dialogue in the Japanese Context” (In: Zygon: Journal of Religion and Science, vol.50, No. 1, March 2015, pp.155-171)
  • “How could we get over the monotheistic paradigm for the interreligious dialogue?” (In: Journal of Inter-religious Studies, vol. 13, 2014, pp. 20-33)
  • 벚꽃과 그리스도: 문학으로 보는 일본 기독교의 계보』서울:동연출판사 [Cherry Blossom and Christ: Japanese Christianity seen from the Japanese Literature] (Seoul: Dongyon Publishing, 2012. [In Korean])
  • 神 と遺伝子:遺伝 子工学時代におけるキリスト教』東京:教文館 [God and Gene: The Christianity in the Age of Genetic Engineering] (Tokyo: Kyobunkan, 2009, 279p. [In Japanese])
  • キリス ト教の世界――大学生のためのキリスト教入門』(共著), 東京:日 本学術出版社 [Introduction to the Christian thought for the University Students] (Tokio: Academic Book Publisher, 2003 [In Japanese])
  • 『DNA에서 만나는 신과 인간』 서울:동연출판사 [God meets Man in DNA] (Seoul: Dongyon Publishing, 2002 [In Korean])

He taught theology, science of religion and bioethics in Korea and Japan for more than 20 years. Currently is he director of the Nanzan Institute for Religion and Culture in Nagoya (Japan), which he joined in 2012. He is also a professor at the Faculty of Arts &amp; Letters of the Nanzan University of Nagoya (Japan).